i have been wanting to get some 'down time' from work, so i could work on some of the projects that i have in my mind for some time now. here are a couple of my embroidery projects i did, and some of the transfers i have, waiting to do something with! most of the transfers are from two great on-line places...sublime stitching and the pattern bee. the girl with the fruit basket was going to be made into a cover for my bread machine, and the skellies are going to be a blender cover. the bride is holding a margarita in her hand, since that is the primary purpose for my blender! i made some pillowcases out of the same pink fabric, and i want to embroider them, but have not made a decision yet on those. i also was impulsive enough to join a webring yesterday, 'bloggers who embellish'. now i gotta figure out code again, to get the little 'deelie bob' on my blog! but looka here, i figured out how to link right here! yay for me!


cindy said…
you are welcome...i love her patterns so much!
jungle dream pagoda said…
Again fabulous vintage-esque embroidery! When I figured out how to link it was quite a victory for me too!

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