i had to post a photo of oscar kitty too, since b.b. got a post. oscar has decided that he loves, loves, loves sitting in among the bellydance stuff! not sure why, since there are plenty of piles of soft fabric everywhere in the sewing room! but he keeps finding this particular pile of harem pants to lounge in, no matter where, or what i put them in! (maybe i should hang them) the only thing i can think of, is that they smell good, like dena's shop, even after being away from there for such a long while now.

o.k., can you tell i am stalling to keep from going to work?!


Anonymous said…
Oh, oscar kitty is a cutie! Is that his full name? Maybe he just likes silky fabric.

cindy said…
manuela ~ yes, oscar is his whole name, even though we sometime call him 'oscar meyer', 'oscar de la renta' and 'oscar de la hoya'! he is actually named after oscar de la hoya, because he is polydactyl, with extra toes, and his feet look like big boxing gloves!
Anonymous said…
I so wish that I wasn not allergic to cats.. I tried to have them my whole life, but my face and neck sweel up so badly...So sad.....And my lungs close up.. So, Iguess no kt=itty for me.. How can I be so unlucky?? xxxooo
Betty said…
Oscar looks like a fluffier version of our kitty, Pogo. Pogo loves sleeping on a cardboard box. He is so weird. Maybe the cardboard is cooler than his bed or the rug.
ButtercupElffly said…
Oh your sweet Oscar just has good taste thats all, nothing worng with that.. :-) I had a kitty years ago this color his name was Duffer..
Bendtherulz said…
So cute - he has good taste, and he is looking adorable sitting amidst all that shiny fabric.
cindy said…
vanessa ~ we have family that is allergic, too...we keep benedryl on hand for all the kitty allergic! your allergy sounds worse though!

betty ~ maybe! it gets pretty warm where you are! i feel sorry for the kitties when it gets hot, with all that hair!

tess ~ that's true! just good taste...he likes the flashy stuff, like me! ;}

bendtherulz ~ i just had to get that shot, it was so cute!
Gina E. said…
Oscar is gorgeous...he is just like our first cat Patra, who died a few years ago after 20 years of being loved and brushed by us.

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