spring is finally here, it really feels like it today!  all my seedlings are sprouting and now i have to get them into the ground soon!   i planted a whole package of summer squash, from a package that has four kinds of zucchini, patty pan and crookneck squash.  it looks like almost all of the seeds sprouted too...there are 29 plants!!!  i will be in squash up to my neck, if it all produces like zucchini plants sometimes do!

but a couple of days ago, i went to this fabric store and came home with much fabric for many projects!  so i am sewing away on stuff that i am trying to finish...in two weeks!

there were sooooo many pretty things there!

we came home with some of this sparkly stuff...

so much fabric, so little money!  o.k., i am off to continue sewing.  wish i could drag my machine out into the the sun today!


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