i am in the process of re-vamping this poor, much neglected blog. i changed the background, and it made all the sidebars go away, but i was needing to get into them and change things anyway. there were some links that no longer worked, and some that i had not looked at for a very long time too, so i don't know if those were there as well!
i am deep into the wedding season again, and if that were not enough, i have been working on my own things, and also helping out my friend at her turkish shop in country willage. here are some quick shots i took in the shop...
it has been fun, and interesting. i went last month to a big bellydance festival in portland oregon, to help vend for the shop, but i forgot my camera, so i do not have any pictures of it! it was great fun, and i came home with a giant bag of fabrics to make into dance costumes!
i almost forgot...the last post i mentioned we had gone to "paradise". we went to hawaii! it was so beautiful, it seemed exactly like what you would imagine paradise to be like! here are a couple of pictures of "paradise".