well, it made me feel guilty, 'cause here is what my herb garden looks like these days! if you click on the photo, it will get bigger, and close-up you can see how scary, out-of-control the weeds really are!

i made a tiny dent in the wilderness, and got a couple more herbs planted. here are my son's boots that he gave to me before he got deployed to iraq...he laughed when saw i planted flowers in them!

i love the bleeding heart...so pretty!
Thank you for your sweet words. I will return.
- EE
I like the bleeding heart to. :)
amanda ~ you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the fruit of my labor (or maybe lack of...they all grew in spite of ME!) enjoy anyway, dear!
betty ~ thanks!
ana ~ i really love that one too, i have a few in the yard! thanks for your visit, too...i'll be back to your's as well. your works are sooo beautiful!
hi ee!
thanks manuela!
marilyn ~ the funny thing about the violets, when i lived in california, i planted violets and it always got too hot, and they always died...here they just GROW! and my neighbor across the street thinks it is a kick that i love them, and keep them in the yard...she is constantly ripping them out!
catalyst ~ i guess everyone loves them...they are beautiful! thanks for your visit! your blog was delicious!
I wish I could find a perfume in that scent.
I had a piece of vintage fabric with Lily of the valley and roses.
It sold for some crazy amount of money within 24 hrs of listing it.
I was sad to see it go.
Oh weeds! I have been at it for a month!! they grow back faster than I can get all done!!! The boots are so great!! I do that too I plant in every thing I have chickens & hens in a pair of hubbys loafers he hated!!
LOVE the boots! Brilliant idea!
Thanks for the tidbit!