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Hurricane Ian

What I have been up to lately. Well, I did retire in June from my job where I had been for 11 years. I thought I would be able to do all the things I didn't have time for before. It hasn't worked out that way so far.  I went to Washington to try to help clean out my folk's estate. I hope to never have to do that again and I plan to downsize dramatically so my kids do not have to go through that.  We evacuated from our first hurricane since we have been here.  That was interesting. It was coming directly to us in the Tampa area, and we decided to drive across to Jupiter in the eastern part of Florida which seemed safer.  Especially since we are in a manufactured home. Ian hit farther south than expected so our place was spared. I guess you could say we still have not really experienced our first hurricane, thankfully. These beach pictures are the beach near where we evacuated to the day after.  It looked beautiful. I picked up lots of shells.  I love collect...

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